NO. Corals are very specialized and sensitive to varying environmental conditions. There are many factors that limit reef growth:
·         Temperature
The ideal water temperature for best coral growth and survival is between 250 C and 300 C.
·         Sunlight
Zooxanthellae need sunlight to grow and produce energy. However, too much sunlight can also be potentially dangerous to corals due to the Ultra-Violet (UV) part of the spectrum, especially in clear tropical waters. Corals are normally able to protect themselves from UV lights, however, they cannot do so in the absence of zooxanthellae.
·         Water clarity
Clear water is very important, as sediment reduce light and smothers corals, thus inhibiting their growth.
·         Salinity
Corals cannot tolerate Fresh water. However they can withstand higher salinities, e.g. 40 parts per thousands in the Persian Gulf.